Kleine Fable 3 update lost ‘n hoop problemen op


Met slechts 5MB heeft Lionhead vanmorgen een belangrijke update voor Fable 3 gelanceerd. De patch fixt namelijk enkele interessante bugs die in het spel voor kwamen. Onder andere de game crashes zijn nu aangepakt waardoor je geen, of minder, last zult hebben van vastlopers. Ook de online multiplayer problemen zijn aangepakt net als tegenstanders die niet opduiken waar ze horen op te duiken. Ook de physics zijn verder verbeterd. Een gehele lijst met de updates is als volgt:

Major Fixes

•Sanctuary: Fixed numerous issues whereby Jasper would stop talking or whereby the world map would become unusable
•Quests: Tabletop: The Hobbes may not spawn in the last area causing the player to be unable to progress
•Quest: Tabletop: Online multiplayer: Player host is unable to vault off platform to Hobbe area
•Quest: Tabletop: Player can become stuck behind some rocks
•Quest: Tabletop: After defeating the hollowmen in the room with the lever the player is unable to progress
•Quest: The Masquerade: Player can become trapped in Reaver’s mansion.
•Quest: The Masquerade: Player can fall out of the world
•Quest: GNOMES PART 1: Player can break script
•Live: The players fall out of the world (FOOTW) when transitioning from Shifting Sands to The Veiled Path
•Crash: Mourningwood guards audio
•Crash: During the quest “Peace, Love and Homicide”

Minor Fixes

•General improvements to performance and frame rate
•World: Online multiplayer: Fast Travel area does not extend from end of level the “The Hole” to go to Mistpeak Valley
•World: Player can fall out of environment in Mistpeak Valley while in combat
•World: After proposing marriage, Bowerstone Castle cannot be selected as family home
•World: If client repairs a house, the house goes from renting out to living in
•World: Player can become stuck during Castle Battle after vaulting over sandbags near burning cart
•World: Bowerstone Industrial: Player can fall off the world
•World: A fix for existing or future FOOTW situations
•World: Online multiplayer: No Particle Effects on Host Screen after Marrying another Player
•Live: Orbs do not always show up
•Live: Online multiplayer: Fixed an issue with sliding host in the sanctuary
•Live: Fixed several issues relating to gifting and receiving gifts in local and online co-op
•Quest: Tabletop: Breadcrumb not leading to Demonic Chickens
•Saves: Fixed a few issues that could cause a corrupt save game slot
•World: Driftwood: Hero can become stuck inside of tree
•World: Shooting a crate creates a duplicate crate
•World: Black chicken in castle gardens flies straight up into the air for several seconds when kicked
•Speech: Japanese: Reaver is missing VO in one quest

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    4 jaren geleden

    ik zit nog steeds vast bij de missie in Reavers huis.. is de patch al beschikbaar?? want hij geeft hem niet aan bij mij.. iemand tips?

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