Vietcong 2 screens


Het is bijna zover, Vietcong 2 komt dan eindelijk uit. Het vervolg op de succesvolle multiplayer game die zich in de Vietnamoorlog afspeelt. Pak je M16 maar vast uit de kast en kijk maar vast naar deze screens van de game.

Key Features

Battles based on real events taking place in the ancient city of Hue
Drivable vehicles in multiplayer mode
Gritty, street-by-street, urban combat
Each mission flows seamlessly into the next, without passing through a menu system
New and updated character classes for MP
A single player campaign for each side, US and Vietcong
Realistic team battles in the multiplayer mode with up to 64 players
Co-op Missions for up to 8 players against AI
50+ authentic weapons
Immersive and atmospheric gameplay

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