PSM3 beoordeelt FIFA Street en Mass Effect 3


De PSM3 heeft diverse games beoordeeld deze week. Het gaat om toppers als Mass Effect 3, Journey en FIFA Street, welke deze maand uit komt.

Mass Effect 3 (PS3, EA): 9,4
Journey (PS3 PSN, Sony): 9,0
Syndicate (PS3, EA): 6,5
Binary Domain (PS3, Sega): 7,0
Asura’s Wrath (PS3, Capcom): 6,7
Gotham City Impostors (PS3, Warner): 6,9
SSX (PS3, EA): 9,0
UFC Undisputed 3 (PS3, THQ): 8,5
Grand Slam Tennis 2 (PS3, EA): 7,9
FIFA Street (PS3, EA): 8,5
Shank 2 (PS3 PSN, EA): 8,5
The Simpsons Arcade Game (PS3 PSN, Konami): 6,6
Wipeout 2048 (PS Vita, Sony): 8,3
Rayman Origins (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 8,6
Modnation Racers Road Trip (PS Vita, Sony): 7,5
FIFA (PS Vita, EA): 8,5
Army Corps of Hell (PS Vita, Square Enix): 4,0
Super Stardust Delts (PS Vita, Sony): 7,5
Lumines Electronic Symphoney (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 9,2
Dungeon Hunter Alliance (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 6,1
MotorStorm RC (PS Vita, Sony): 6,0
Little Deviants (PS Vita, Sony): 6,3
Reality Fighters (PS Vita, Sony): 5,5
Michael Jackson The Experience (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 3,2
Asphalt Injection (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 2,9
Escape Plan (PS Vita, Sony): 7,8

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