Nieuwe Battlefield 2 patch in de planning


De mannen van DICE hebben weer plannen voor een nieuwe patch voor Battlefield 2, zo staat de patch 1.12 in de planning. DICE zegt blij te zijn met de spelers die inmiddels nog steeds Battlefield 2 online spelen en zegt graag nog de nodige support te leveren aan deze mensen. Er zijn helaas nog geen details die we kunnen geven over de patch, deze wil DICE nog voor zich houden.

We at DICE and EA are committed to on-going support for Battlefield 2. We’re pleased to see that so many of you are still playing the game on a regular basis and continue to support it and the community with some great mods and movies (We’re big fans of the machinimas, so keep them coming guys, and MINE, you guys rock!).

We wanted to let you know that we’re already hard at work on a post 1.12 update. While we can’t go into details about it, yet, rest assured that we’re checking the forums, listening to our customer support teams and working hard on the features that YOU’VE asked for. As soon as we can give more concrete details, we will. Just know that we’re all 100% into making Battlefield 2 the very best that it can be.

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