Garry’s Half-Life 2 Mod versie 0.8 is uit


Er is vandaag een nieuwe versie van Garry’s Half-Life 2 Mod verschenen, de bijna 4 MB grote mod is onder andere hier te downloaden. In de nieuwe versie is het een en ander veranderd, de volgende changelog laat ziet waaraan onder andere hard getimmerd is:


Converted to HL2MP SDK:
Player models are now animated
Players hold weapons properly
Less bandwidth usage
Predicted weapons
Paint gun works online
Spawn menu now replaces all other menus
Spawn menu now has a scrollbar
Context menus for each tool mode
Frees up right click for the tools
Added secondary fire modes:
Weld modes – clears any welds you’re currently doing
Face poser – sets the face to random
Eye poser – makes the eyes look at you
Duplicator – right copies, left paste
Ignite mode – extinguishes flames
Paint mode – paint fast
Colour mode – reset color/mode/fx
Statue mode – undo statue mode
Material mode – reset material to normal
Slider mode – makes the rail align with the shot face
New Additions
Elastic Mode – a rope that acts like bungee rope
Physics Properties – change friction/bounce/density
Nail Gun – works just like a real nail gun
Statue – turn ragdolls into statues
Export to Hammer – export your prop positions to your map in Hammer
Scoreboard Avatars – Work in progress
Faceposer menu – adjust each flex in a face using sliders
Bloom & Bloom menu – change bloom settings via sliders
DoF menu – adjust the depth of field
Ability to change rope width and type
Friction changes on some weld modes
Unlimited levels of undo
Sprite gun
Emitter gun
Material Screen Overlay
Other Changes
Rope mode and Rigid Rope are now both under Rope Mode
Fixed sliding constraint snapping to axis
Useful Console Commands
cl_noavatars [0|1] – turn off downloading of avatars
sv_godmode [0|1] – godmode on for all players
gm_sv_clientlimit_[] – (server) limit each client to creating x amount of each
gm_sv_serverlimit_[] – (server) limit the server to x amount of each item

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