Bethesda komt met Xbox One X-update details van hun games


Bethesda heeft aangekondigd wat de support in zal houden wat betreft enhanced features voor diverse franchises op de Xbox One X. Het gaat om de nieuwe games Wolfenstein II, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4, The Evil Within 2, Dishonored 2 en Dishonored: Death of the Outsider welke updates zullen ontvangen. Zo zullen bijna alle games stuk voor stuk 4K ondersteunen. The Evil Within 2 draait echter op 1800p op de Xbox One X en op 1260p op de PS4 Pro.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution

Fallout 4

Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Enhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects and NPCs
Enhanced God Ray effects

Skyrim Special Edition

Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution

Dishonored 2 & Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Improved framerate stability
4K textures
Improved geometry/draw distances
Improved anti-aliasing
Improved shadows quality

The Evil Within 2

Enhanced Features include:
Upgraded resolution
Higher framerate
30 fps lock removal

The Elder Scrolls Online

Supports Native 4K Resolution and HDR
Enhanced features include:
Increased view distance
Upgraded shadows with Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
Upgraded water reflections

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