Test Drive: Unlimited krijgt wederom een update


Een nieuwe update voor Test Drive: Unlimited is verschenen. Het betreft vooral veel bugfixes. Er zijn helaas zo goed als geen vernieuwingen of toegevoegde features te vinden. Zo heeft men de motorbike handling verbeterd en is het makkelijker om vrienden te zoeken in de FreeRide mode. Naast dit zijn ook Microfreezes gefixt, zijn diverse exploits verwijdert en zijn problemen rondom crashes op de Xbox 360 verwijdert. Hier beneden zie je een lijst met de fixes en verbeteringen online:

* Motorbike handling tuned
* Easier to find your friends in Freeride: select the “friends” filter and click on a player to be automatically dropped in his playing session if session is not full
* Improvements to the management of game sessions in Freeride
* Speed filter added to prevent players from achieving impossible speeds in * Speed Trap and Speed challenges
* Replay sequences improved

* Menus: MY COUNTRY filter now fully loads when checking ranking leaderboards in the house
* Various crashes resolved
* Various exploits removed
* Progression no longer lost due to corrupted save games
* Player now always spawns at the correct house after reboot
* Gameplay fix: player can no longer irretrievably lose the current vehicle
* Microfreezes fixed
* Now possible to revert to normal paint after deluxe paint job

* E-trade now fully functional
* Clubs: no longer any issues when multiple inter- or intra-club challenges are hosted at the same time in the same club
* Players can now see each other after an Instant Challenge in Free Ride (previously if two users completed an Instant Challenge and returned to Free Ride with no other users in the session, the two users could not see each other in the session)
* Vehicle restriction must now be obeyed when accepting game invite
Car now always correctly positioned on the starting grid, regardless of how many players enter and exit lobby
* Vehicles of players with low ping rates no longer show erratic behavior and disrupt gameplay
* Intermediate speed shown for speed challenges now always correct
* Host no longer always placed at the rear on starting line
* News messages of club invitations are no longer delayed or lost
* Drive in: limitation of 255 challenges posted removed
* Drive in: going down the first page in the list of challenge no longer makes the details of further custom challenges wrong
* Drive-in: challenges are now listed after completion of a challenge
* Incorrect record speed no longer cited in Speed Trap challenges
* Instant Challenges: Cars now always start at same point
* Gameplay: Player now able to accept Invitation to a Club after being ejected from another
* Multiplayer Races: vehicles now do not lack collision at beginning of race
* Monthly Multiplayer rankings are now based on a monthly frequency
Users can now switch to Ready when accepting an Invitation from an Extra Challenge
* Time rankings fixed
* Speed rankings fixed
* Various exploits removed
* Police AI issues when disconnected from Xbox Live fixed

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