Sony verlaagt tijdelijk prijs van veel titels


Sony heeft bekend gemaakt dat het een flinke reductie heeft gebracht voor de nodige games. Het gaat om de onderstaande titels die tot 4 maart goedkoper te krijgen zijn:


Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry
Was £11.99/€14.99, now £6.19/€7.49

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
Was £44.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€24.99

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition
Was £54.99/€69.99, now £24.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was £54.99/€69.99, now £29.99/€39.99

Destiny Digital Guardian Edition
Was £84.99/€99.99, now £54.99/€64.99

Was £7.99/€9.99, now £3.29/€3.99

Killzone Shadow Fall
Was £34.99/€39.99, now £15.99/€19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Killzone Shadow Fall (upgrade)
Was £24.99/€29.99, now £11.99/€14.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Killzone Shadow Fall and Season Pass Bundle
Was £44.99/€54.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept Online Co-op
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £6.49/€7.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition
Was £64.99/€74.99, now £39.99/€44.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Was £49.99/€59.99, now £29.99/€34.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Was £54.99/€59.99, now £24.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO The Hobbit
Was £54.99/€59.99, now £24.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Madden NFL 15
Was £59.99/€69.99, now £24.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition
Was £54.99/€69.99, now £29.99/€34.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Premium Edition
Was £74.98/€94.99, now £44.99/€49.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was £44.99/€49.99, now £15.99/€19.99

Murdered: Soul Suspect
Was £34.99/€39.99, now £9.49/€11.99

NHL 15
Was £59.99/€69.99, now £24.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Samurai Warriors 4
Was £54.99/€59.99, now £29.99/€34.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was £11.99/€14.99, now £5.79/€6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Tetris Ultimate
Was £7.99/€9.99, now £5.79/€6.99

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Gold Edition
Was £49.99/€59.99, now £24.99/€29.99

The Evil Within
Was £49.99/€69.99, now (£19.99/€39.99)

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
Was £59.99/€59.99, now £24.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was £9.99/€12.99, now £5.79/€6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount


Army of TWO The Devil’s Cartel
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £6.49/€7.99

Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry
Was £11.99/€14.99, now £6.19/€7.49

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
Was £19.99/€29.99, now £10.99/€14.99

Back to the Future: The Game – 5 Game Series
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Batman Arkham Collection
Was £57.99/€69.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Batman Arkham Origins
Was £49.99/€59.99, now £10.99/€14.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Batman: Arkham Asylum
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £7.99/€9.99

Batman: Arkham City
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £7.99/€9.99

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate – Deluxe Edition
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £7.99/€9.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £15.99/€19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Bionic Commando Rearmed
Was £7.99/€9.99, now £1.69/€1.99

Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2 Bundle
Was £11.99/€14.99, now £3.29/€3.99

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
Was £11.99/€14.99, now £2.49/€2.99

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Was £24.99/€29.99, now £7.99/€9.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was £15.99/€19.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Child of Light
Was £11.49/€14.99, now £5.79/€6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Was £11.99/€14.99, now £2.99/€3.59

Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut
Was £19.99/€29.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Dishonored Game of the Year Edition
Was £29.99/€39.99, now £19.99/€24.99

Was £7.99/€9.99, now £3.29/€3.99

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
Was £19.99/€29.99, now £7.99/€9.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

EA Sports MMA
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £6.49/€7.99

Escape Dead Island
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £10.99/€14.99

Fight Night Champion
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Jurassic Park: The Game
Was £24.99/€29.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Killer is Dead
Was £19.99/€29.99, now £7.99/€9.99

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition
Was £54.99/€64.99, now £29.99/€39.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Was £44.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

LEGO The Hobbit
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Lost Planet 3
Was £19.99/€29.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Madden NFL 15
Was £59.99/€69.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £7.99/€9.99

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Mortal Kombat
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £7.99/€9.99

Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
Was £7.99/€9.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Was £29.99/€39.99), now £7.99/€9.99

Murdered: Soul Suspect
Was £29.99/€39.99, now £7.39/€8.99

NHL 15
Was £59.99/€69.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Okami HD
Was £11.49/€13.99, now £5.79/€6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Rayman Origins
Was £10.99/€14.99, now £5.79/€6.99

Remember Me
Was £19.99/€29.99, now £7.99/€9.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was £9.99/€12.99, now £5.79/€6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Risen 3: Titan Lords
Was £44.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€29.99

Sacred 3
Was £44.99/€49.99, now £15.99/€19.99

‘Sam & Max’ The Devil’s Playhouse
Was £19.99/€24.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £3.29/€3.99

Samurai Warriors 4
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Street Fighter X Tekken
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £5.79/€6.99

Was £11.99/€14.99, now £5.79/€6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Was £7.99/€9.99, now £3.29/€3.99

Tales of Monkey Island – Full Series
Was £15.99/€19.99, now £3.99/€4.99

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Gold Edition
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€29.99

The Evil Within
Was £39.99/€59.99, now £19.99/€29.99

The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass
Was £11.99/€14.99, now £5.79/€6.99

Tomb Raider Digital Edition
Was £19.99/€24.99, now £5.09/€6.19

Tomb Raider: Underworld
Was £16.99/€20.99, now £3.99/€4.99

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
Was £39.99/€49.99, now £19.99/€24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Digital Discounts (ends 4th March 2014)


40% off (original price: £11.99/€14.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

40% off (original price: £11.99/€14.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

King Oddball
40% off (original price: £3.99/€4.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Pure Pool
40% off (original price: £7.99/€9.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Styx: Master of Shadows
40% off (original price: £24.99/€29.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Trine 2: Complete Story
50% off (original price £13.99/€16.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Trine Bundle
50% off (original price: £19.99/€24.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Trine Enchanted Edition
50% off (original price: £9.99/€12.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Titan Attacks!
50% off (original price £7.99/€9.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount


60% off (original price: £11.99/€14.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Lights, Camera, Party!
60% off (original price: £9.99/€12.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Thomas Was Alone
50% off (original price: £6.19/€7.49)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight
50% off (original price £1.99/€2.49)

Trine – The game
50% off (original price: £7.99/€9.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Trine 2
50% off (original price: £9.29/€11.25)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Titan Attacks!
50% off (original price £7.99/€9.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

PS Vita

Young Thor
50% off (original price: £3.99/€4.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

King Oddball
40% off (original price £3.69/€4.49)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Thomas Was Alone
50% off (original price £6.19/€7.49)
10% additional PS Plus discount

Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight
50% off (original price £1.99/€2.49)

Titan Attacks!
50% off (original price £7.99/€9.99)
10% additional PS Plus discount

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