RCT3: Wild! in beeld gebracht


Niet alles wat RollerCoaster Tycoon heet verandert direct in goud, zo bleek wel bij RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Maar de 3e reeks met games waar nu al de 2e expansion van gaat komen blijkt wel erg succesvol te zijn. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild! zal binnenkort uit gaan komen en biedt een heel ander uitgangspunt dan de vorige versies. Zo zul je in de Afrika stijl alles moeten gaan bouwen. Inmiddels zijn er weer enkele nieuwe screens uitgekomen, deze kun je hier bewonderen.


Nine freshly designed scenarios that expand game-play beyond the call of the wild kingdom;
Amazing never-before seen hardcore coasters fresh from the drawing boards of today’s designers including splitting tracks and robot arms;
Safari elements give players tools for building expedition rides where park visitors interact with over 20 species of wild (and not so wild) animals;
Players interact with the animals, select their food and toys; tickle them or poke them awake; breed and trade them with other animal parks;
Two more richly detailed themes for players’ RCT3 amusement parks – Jungle and Prehistoric – including giant insects and animatronic dinosaurs!
Even more thrill rides; eight more coasters, eighteen ‘flat’ rides, brand new animal houses and four additional transport rides;
Choreograph fun and entertaining performing animal programs, like the Lion Tamer Show, using the RCT3 MixMaster;
Includes the biggest ever RCT3 transport ride: the Paddle Steamer, plus Elephant Rides, Safari SUVs and everglades speedboats;
An occasional escaping animal causes chaos, and gives players a chance to use their tranquilizer dart shooting skills (but mind those park guests…);
Make even more cash from your park using new shops and ad billboards, which for the first time allow players to put their own original content in the game;
Say ‘hello’ to more new characters – a new VIP, a new Animal Keeper staff member, and the RCT favourite ‘Tiger’ mascot.

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