PSP Firmware Update v3.95 komt eraan


Binnenkort krijg je de melding dat de PSP-firmware vernieuwd kan worden. Het gaat om versie 3.95 die binnen zeer korte tijd beschikbaar gesteld zal worden. De firmware bezit 2 nieuwe features die je kunt gebruiken op de PlayStation Portable handheld.

– While playing PSone games on your PSP, you can now customize how the buttons are assigned by going to [Controller Settings] > [Assign Buttons] and select [Custom].
– You can now quit Remote Play and choose to turn off your PS3 or leave it on after quitting. This is useful if you are performing a download and want to quit Remote Play, but still want your download to continue on the PS3. Select [Quit and Turn Off the PS3 System] or [Quit Without Turning Off the PS3 System] from [Quit Remote Play] when you press the HOME button on the PSP system.

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