PlayStation 3-support eindigt binnenkort in Japan


Sony Japan zal de after-sales ondersteuning voor de PlayStation 3 (het laatste model dat is uitgekomen, te weten CECH-4300) stoppen. Het gaat ook om randapparatuur die dan niet meer ondersteund wordt. Dit zal na april in gang gezet worden. Nu de PlayStation 5 en PlayStation 4 is de stop van ondersteuning niet zo gek. Mensen met een PS3 die graag service willen ontvangen of iets gerepareerd willen hebben, kunnen na april dus niet meer geholpen worden. Op Twitter laat Sony weten:

Customers who wish to have after-sales service for the relevant model should apply for after-sales service through the online repair reception service or PlayStation Customer Support by Saturday, April 30, 2022, and by Saturday, May 7, 2022.

Please send the product to arrive at the PlayStation Clinic. If you wish to send it directly to the PlayStation Clinic without prior application, please send it so that it arrives by Saturday, April 30, 2022.

We will not be able to accept applications or arrivals after the day following the above deadline, so if you are considering applying for after-sales service, please request as soon as possible.

Please note that repairs may not be possible before the end date due to the exhaustion of parts.

We sincerely apologize to customers who are using this product and thank you for your understanding.

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