OXM beoordeelt COD4, Orange Box, Guitar Hero 3 en Kane and Lynch


Het Official Xbox 360 Magazine heeft diverse toppers weten te beoordelen. Onder toppers versstaan we onder andere Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, Guitar Hero 3, PGR4 en Kane and Lynch.

Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360, Activision): 10
Orange Box (Xbox 360, Valve): 9.5
NBA 2K8 (Xbox 360, 2K Sports): 8.5
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (Xbox 360, Activision): 6
Guitar Hero 3 (Xbox 360, Activision): 8
CSI: Hard Evidence (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 7
Tetris Splash (Xbox 360 XLA, Microsoft): 7
Blazing Angels 2 (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 8
Geon: Emotions (Xbox 360 XLA, Eidos): 6
Kane and Lynch (Xbox 360, Eidos): 8
Project Gotham Racing 4 (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 8
Sega Rally Revo (Xbox 360, Sega): 7.5
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 (Xbox 360, THQ): 8.5
Conan (Xbox 360, THQ): 6.5
Thrillville: Off the Rails (Xbox 360, LucasArts): 7.5
Bladestorm: Hundred Years’ War (Xbox 360, Koei): 7
Kengo Legend of the 9 (Xbox 360, Majesco): 3.5
FIFA Soccer 08 (Xbox 360, EA): 8
Cyberball 2072 (Xbox 360 XLA, Midway): 4
Fatal Fury Special (Xbox 360 XLA, SNK Playmore): 5.5
Sonic 2 (Xbox 360 XLA, Sega): 7.5
Streets of Rage 2 (Xbox 360 XLA, Sega): 8
Naruto Rise of a Ninja (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 8

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