GTA Garage reageert fel op media


De website van GTA Garage is al dat gezeur van de media zat. Ze hebben zich dan ook fel uitgelaten hierover en over de grote boetes die Rockstar telkens weer krijgt toegewezen, op de website plaatsten ze het volgende:

To whom it may concern,

We just fired this message off to Senator Clinton, Assemblymember Yee, and the rather excitable Jack Thompson. Your attacks on the customers you are supposed to protect are reprehensible to say the least. The gaming public knows very well you have rated more explicit games as “M” than what is contained in the allegedly obscene content (hot coffee) which you have admonished us over. Granted, your demonizing of the mod community may be only PR and politics, but we do not appreciate being a tertiary scapegoat for you to pass the already misplaced blame of irresponsible parents along to. So, please, find another patsy.

Just thought it would be fair to give you the heads up we never got.

the administration of

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