Glanzende bolides in 360 screens Burnout Revenge


Er zijn enkele nieuwe shots verschenen van de Xbox 360 versie van Burnout Revenge, de sequel op de meest aangename racegame allertijden. Het spel wordt geproduceerd door Criterion Games en staat gepland voor maart 2006.

GameSpot: The Xbox 360 version of Burnout Revenge is going to be more than just a prettier version of the Xbox game, right? Any new content?

Matt Webster: Absolutely. When looking at the 360 version of our game, we wanted to make it the showcase version, the pinnacle of Revenge on any console. With every Burnout game, we look at the areas that are most important to us and what we are able to do on the hardware that we are creating the game on. For the 360, it was clear that Microsoft was gearing the machine at the connected generation. It feels like you are not getting all that the machine has to offer if you aren’t connected to the Net, so we made this our focus with our Live Revenge and Save & Share features.

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