Game Informer beoordeelt SSX en Twisted Metal


De Game Informer heeft diverse games beoordeeld. Het gaat onder andere om Twisted Metal, Gotham City Imposters, Grand Slam Tennis en SSX. De gehele lijst is als volgt:

Silent Hill Downpour (PS3/Xbox 360, Konami): 7,0
Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3/Xbox 360, Konami): 8,0
Gotham City Imposters (PS3/Xbox 360, Warner): 8,0
Twisted Metal (PS3, Sony): 8,5
Asura’s Wrath (PS3/Xbox 360, Capcom): 8,5
Syndicate (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 8,0
SSX (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 7,5
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare (Xbox 360, Remedy): 7,75
Grand Slam Tennis 2 (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 8,0
Journey (PS3, Sony): 9,0
Tales of Graces F (PS3, Bandai Namco): 7,75
Shank 2 (PS3 PSN/Xbox 360 XBLA, EA): 7,0
Warp (PS3 PSN/Xbox 360 XBLA, EA): 6,75
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (3DS, Konami): 7,5
Uncharted Golden Abyss (PS Vita, Sony): 8,0
Touch My Katamari (PS Vita, Bandai Namco): 7,5
Hot Shot Golf: World Invitational (PS Vita, Sony): 7,5
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (PS Vita, Tecmo Koei): 7,0
Escape Plan (PS Vita, Sony): 7,75
Little Deviants (PS Vita, Sony): 6,0
ModNation Racers: Road Trip (PS Vita, Sony): 7,0
FIFA Soccer (PS Vita, EA): 7,75
Rayman Origins (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 8,0
Super Stardust Delta (PS Vita, Sony): 8,0
Ultimate Marvel vs, Capcom 3 (PS Vita, Capcom): 7,75
Lumines: Electronic Symphony (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 8,0
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen (PS Vita, Bandai Namco): 6,25
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (PS Vita, Ubisoft): 5,0
Quarrel (Xbox 360 XBLA, Ignitions): 8,5

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