Fallout 4 console commando’s uitgebracht


Als je op de PC de console gebruikt, dan kun je allerlei commando’s gebruiken. Onder andere de Sex mode en God mode kunnen ingeschakeld worden. Onderstaande lijst geeft de commando’s weer die je kunt gebruiken in de game:

tgm – God mode will make you completely invulnerable.
tcl – No collision with objects will allow you to walk through walls and go anywhere.
tai – This turns off the AI. All characters will become immobile, and stand with blank expressions.
tcai – Turns off combat AI. Now you don’t have to fight anyone/thing.
killall – Kills off everyone in the surrounding area, except for Companions and other important characters, who will need a Stimpak.
kill [insert ID] – Kills the creature of the ID indicated. Very useful if you’re struggling with a Deathclaw or other giant beast.
resurrect [insert ID] – Resurrects the creature indicated.
setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number] – Modify your jump height based on the inserted number. Higher numbers result in higher jumps but you will still take fall damage. Either make sure you’re wearing Power Armor or enable god mode.
player.setav speedmult [insert number] – Speed up your running, based on the inserted number.
tfc – Activates the flycam.
tm – Toggles the UI and HUD off and on. However, this command will also prevent you from seeing the command console. Press the tilde and type “tm” again blindly to retrieve the UI. This is great for taking screenshots.
setscale [insert number from 1 to 10] – Increases the size of your target, or yourself, based on the indicated number.
sexchange – Change the sex of your character.
player.additem [insert item ID] [insert number] – This is the command formula to add items to your inventory based on the quantity indicated. This will work for any item, as long as you know the item ID. For exmaple:

player.additem 0000000f [insert number] – Adds bottlecaps equal to the inserted number.
player.additem 0000000a [insert number] – Adds bobby pins equal to the inserted number

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