Dual Screen Lite officieel uitverkocht


De Dual Screen Lite is officieel uitverkocht in Japan. De handheld verkocht, zoals verwacht werd, uitstekend vandaag. Dit zorgde dan ook voor overvolle winkels. Vanmorgen wisten we al te meldden dat verscheidene shops rijen met 400 mensen hebben mogen concluderen. Gefrustreerde en balende mensen kwamen nog op de straten om commentaar te geven, helaas zonder DS Lite exemplaar…

“Are you a journalist?” Chubby Face asks me.
“How did you know?”
“Well, you keep scribbling notes and taking picture. I used to have a part-time job at a magazine. I’m looking for a job right now.”
“Yeah, I kept wondering why the hell you were taking pictures of my shoes,” says the Rotund Gentleman.
“What are you writing about?” Chubby Face asks.
The fight against cancer.
“The DS Lite Launch.”
“Do you know National Geographic?” he continues. “You should go to Yodobashi.”
“Why were you taking pictures of my shoes anyway?” the Rotund Gentleman asks.
“You can take lots of National Geographic style pictures. The crowd is much bigger.”
“Well, I also need to buy the Lite, not just cover the event.”
“That’s no good,” Chubby Face says, his face scrunched. “Say, does your company have any openings?”

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