Dead Island ontvangt deze week console update


Deep Silver heeft aangekondigd dat Dead Island deze week een update zal ontvangen voor de Xbox 360 en PlayStation 3. De update moet diverse problemen in combinatie met de game op zien te lossen. De gehele changelog is als volgt:

Gameplay improvements
Level cap raised to 60
New blueprints for weapon mods added
Infected damage reduced
Infected no longer interrupt player attacks
A series of improvements to subsequent playthroughs implemented:
quest XP rewards adjusted
XP rewards for challenges adjusted – in subsequent playthroughs XP is awarded for all quests completed in co-op
Purna’s ammo carrying capacity increased by 50%
Character state from a save game can now be loaded when using the Start from Chapter option
New balancing option added: enemy levels can now be adjusted independently for each co-op player
Players respawn with more health
Picklock skill level required to open a lock is now clearly indicated
Improved rewards in weapon crates
All weapon crates now contain rewards
Kick ability balanced, now requires stamina
Items can now be picked up instantly; this is reflected in adjusted animations

Fixes and interface improvements
Fix: players are no longer left without a weapon after dropping the equipped item and healing with a medkit.
Fix: equipped items no longer swap mysteriously after drinking an energy drink
Tweak: healing with medkits from inventory works better, makes smarter choices of medkits
Fix: loot from dead enemies is now always identical for all co-op players
Fix: Purna no longer finishes her Fury with fists equipped
Fix: map tracking after death
Fix: zone info in the quarantine zone (City of Moresby)
Tweak: respawn point selection is now smarter

Improved stability and network performance in co-op
Quest and reward fixes implemented

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