De Wood Elves ontketend in Total War: WARHAMMER’s grootste DLC tot nu toe


De Wood Elves ontketend in Total War: WARHAMMER’s grootste DLC tot nu toe

Op 8 december introduceert de lancering van Realm of The Wood Elves de exotische en krachtige Wood Elves als nieuw, speelbaar ras aan de Total War: WARHAMMER Grand Campaign, inclusief hun eigen verhalende mini-campagne: ‘The Seasons of Revelation’.

With a rich suite of lore-inspired campaign and battle mechanics, Total War: WARHAMMER’s first Elven race offers a playstyle unlike any other. Ranging forth from the enchanted forests of Athel Loren, they may capture any settlement in The Old World and set up expansionary outposts.

In battle, they offer a swift, glass-cannon playstyle. By far the most powerful and versatile archers in the game, they can equip a range of magical arrows, fire on the move, and are often joined by their Woodland allies such as Dryads, Great Eagles, Forest Dragons and vast, ancient Treemen.

With epic new Legendary Lords, Heroes, battlefield units, monsters, magic and more, Realm of The Wood Elves is available from December 8th 2016.

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