Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection krijgt datum


Konami heeft bekend gemaakt dat de Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection zal verschijnen op 7 november aanstaande voor de Xbox 360 en PlayStation 3. De game bezit ongeveer 40 uren aan gameplay en belooft een interessante titel te worden. De collectie neemt het volgende met zich mee:

• Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Users guide Gabriel Belmont, a holy knight charged with protecting innocents from the malevolent Lords of Shadow, as his murdered wife’s spirit guides him to his ultimate destiny. Included with the first chapter are the ‘Reverie’ and ‘Resurrection’ DLC chapters.
• Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD – The second chapter of the series continues the story 26 years after the events of the original Lords of Shadow, as Gabriel’s descendants confront their destiny.
• Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Demo – Whetting appetites for February’s epic conclusion, players also have their first chance to play as Dracula in the epic Lords of Shadow finale, via this exclusive demo.

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