2 nieuwe multiplayermaps voor Doom III (Xbox)


De multiplayeropties voor Doom III voor de Xbox zijn wat omhoog geschroeft. Dit in de vorm van 2 nieuwe maps die via het Xbox Live netwerk te downloaden zullen zijn. Het betreft Communications en Surface. ID Software en Activision hebben dit onlangs bekend gemaakt. Veel speelplezier dus in de 2 nieuwe maps online. Hier is een korte beschrijving van beide maps:

Communications: A receiving area warehouse providing storage and distribution for the Communication sector on Mars, Communications is home to long corridors and dark corners, and is perfect for surprising enemy players from the shadows or taking them out head-on, so gamers will have to keep on their toes to survive in this dangerous environment.

Surface: A lonely section of the Mars UAC base left exposed to the elements of the Martian environment, Surface is a multi-tiered industrial yard centered between two external gates, where a vast amount of pipes and platforms criss-cross over a large section of the Martian surface, helping any player bring death from above. Players must be quick, agile and skilled at shooting on the fly to win.
Both levels have been lifted from Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil on Xbox. Activision and id point out that Doom 3 and Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil aren’t compatible in multiplayer but fans of the original game still going frag-tastic online will no doubt welcome the new map additions with open arms.

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