Xbox Live members weten advertenties in Xbox Live te blokkeren


De nieuwe look van Xbox Live lijkt niet al te negatief opgepakt te zijn door de community. Inmiddels hebben gebruikers zelfs een manier gevonden om advertenties binnen de netwerksoftware te disablen. Het uitschakelen van advertenties is uiteraard niet hetgeen Microsoft wil maar kan momenteel (nog) op de volgende manier gerealiseerd worden:

1.Sign up for a free OpenDNS account.

2.Add a network for your current IP address.

3.Go to Advanced Settings and next to ‘Domain Typos’, check the box ‘Enable typo correction’ if it’s not already checked and apply.

4.Go to Web Content Filtering settings and set the filtering level to ‘None’, and under ‘Manage individual domains’, put and select ‘Always block’ and then click ‘Add domain’. Screenshot.

5.On your Xbox, go to System Settings -> Network Settings -> (your connection) -> Configure Network -> DNS settings -> Manual, and enter the OpenDNS IP addresses for the primary and secondary DNS servers: and

6.You may need to clear your hard drive cache before ads disappear entirely: System Settings -> Storage -> Hard Drive -> press Y -> Clear System Cache (note that you’ll have to re-download any title updates for any games you play after doing this).

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