Weer meer bugs opgelost in Starship Troopers


Letterlijk en figuurlijk zijn er wat bugs in Starship Troopers te vinden. Het op de film gebaseerde spel krijgt namelijk weer een nieuwe patch die de versie upgrade naar versie 4.09.10. Vooral de multiplayer mode zou onder handen zijn genomen. Het volgende zou men gefixt hebben:

Global patch 4.09.10
– This patch fixes an erroneous copy protection message displayed on certain system configurations after installing patch EuroPatch-3.2.77

Single Player
– Missing VO on German version has been replaced (Plasma Mountain)
– Problem with visibility determination in an area at the end of the Offensive level has been fixed

– Significant reduction has been made in the lag experienced by players during multiplayer games
– The game no longer crashes if players attempt to join late (known issue on patch 3.2.77)
– Late joiners no longer get all the stored packets from the current game in one go
– Fixed an issue which allowed players to access out of bound areas
– Stopped players spawning in mid-air and falling to their deaths as soon as a round starts
– Players still in the lobby were being rendered prematurely – this no longer happens
– If a player stays in the lobby between games then they no longer see the names repeated in the lobby
– Quitting and then rejoining the same game no longer leads to a crash

Je kunt de patch hier downloaden.

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