Weer 4.000 Warcraft 3 acounts verbannen


De officiële website van Battle.net meld dat er inmiddels weer 4.000 acounts van Warcraft 3 gebanned zijn. Het gaat hierbij voornamelijk om cheaters, deze worden 30 dagen gebanned of zijn voor altijd gebanned.

Approximately 4,000 accounts have been closed for various abuses of the Warcraft III ladders, including the use of “loss bots.” Blizzard maintains an aggressive stance against cheating of all kind and will continue to ensure that the Battle.net ladders are a fair and safe place to play Warcraft III. The accounts in question have been closed, and the affected players have been barred from ladder play on any account for a period of 30 days. In cases where this is the second instance of abuse or cheating, the accounts have been permanently banned from all ladder play. To report suspected use of map hacks, please email hacks@blizzard.com with as much information as possible. A false report filed by one player against another will not result in action against the falsely accused party. To report suspected abuses of the Warcraft III ladders, please visit the Battle.net forums for further information.

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