Vrouw stikt bijna in Xbox rook


In Anglesey (Wales) heeft de Xbox bijna gezorgd voor een eerste slachtoffer. Een vrouw werd namelijk bewusteloos aangetroffen in haar woning nadat een Xbox console was doorgebrand. Het gehele huis was zwart gerookt de doorgebrande console. Stuart Ward en Robert Johnson die net thuis kwamen wisten de vrouw nog net uit de binarde situatie te redden. Ze heeft het gelukkig wel overleefd en ze is inmiddels weer op de been.

Inside were the woman and her father, who had rushed to the scene in response to a call from his daughter before she was overcome. Ward recalled: “We shouted ‘Is anybody there?’ The next thing the father upstairs answered ‘Yes, I’m upstairs’. We shouted ‘Anybody else in the house, we can’t see.’
“We put some coats over our mouths and ran upstairs. Robert and I were swearing and the father was shouting ‘My daughter’s here!’. We were going on our hands and knees – that’s how dark it was. You couldn’t see your fingers if you put them in front of your eyes.

“We felt our way around the darkness. We found her and dragged and carried her down the stairs and outside. She was going in and out of consciousness.”

Johnson added: “We could only feel our way about. The father was stumbling around. He couldn’t find his daughter. We found her on the floor.

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