Valve brengt nieuwe models CSS online


Valve heeft weer een update voor je klaar staan die gedownload kan worden via het Steam netwerk. Het betreft ditmaal 2 toegevoegde models (G.I.G.N en Guerilla), bot fixes en een nade exploit. Daarnaast zouden er enkele tweaks zijn toegevoegd aan de game om ook de admins het wat makkelijker te kunnen maken om teamkillers te kunnen kicken/bannen.

Counter-Strike: Source changelog:

-Added G.I.G.N and Guerilla player models
-Sniper rifles that are in the process of zooming in don’t get the zoomed-in accuracy bonus
-Fixed crosshairs when running in a widescreen aspect ratio
-Added a ‘nextlevel’ server side command to force intermission and a switch to the specified map after the current round
-Fixed bug where players were able to throw grenades through thin walls
-Added a server message for teammate attacks
-Fixed buy menu not having mouse focus
-Fixed buy menu re-opening when you try to close it.
-Fixed centerprint panel and frames per second panel not resizing correctly after a resolution change.
‘&’ chars in player names show in the scoreboard and spectator UI
In-eye spectators see punch angles
-Fixed bots thinking they are still on a higher nav area when they fall off
-Added nav area ID to the bot debug prints
-Extended the bot_add*, bot_kick, and bot_kill commands to accept skill (easy, normal, hard, expert) and/or weapon preference (sniper, shotgun, etc) arguments. For example, typing ‘bot_add_ct expert” will add a random bot of ‘expert’ difficulty to the CT team.
-Added difficulty, weaponclass, and skill modifiers to the bot_prefix string
-Navigation mesh editing – raising/lowering corners correctly snaps adjacent corners to the same height

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