Uncharted 3 patch brengt tevens 50 trophies


Naughty Dog heeft bevestigd dat Uncharted 3 maarliefst 50 nieuwe trophies zal krijgen op 14 augustus aanstaande. De trophies maken deel uit van patch 1.13. De volgende wijzigingen aan de game mogen daarnaast verwacht worden:

Increased recoil has been added to the G-MAL
Deathmatch will now appear in round 5 instead of round 3 in Team Objective game modes
Quitting out of Co-op will no longer count as a Competitive loss when signing-out/disconnecting
Lab games no longer count towards the Leaderboard
Death from Above medal now requires the player to be at least 2 meters off the ground
Players can earn more than 1 “Here, Hold This Medal” in a match
A collection of trophies have been added for each DLC pack available
The TAU Sniper Pistol has been tuned so the rate of fire is up 30% and its starting ammo is now 8 not 12
The M9 blindfire accuracy has been reduced by 10% efficiency
Cloaked level 3 is now immune to the effects of Disruption (it wasn’t working properly so we fixed it)

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