Uitermate hoge scores voor Marvel Ultimate Alliance


Marvel Ultimate Alliance is misschien niet de game waar iedereen aan zou denken als we spreken over een topper. Maar misschien mogen we hier wel van spreken. De game scoort namelijk uitermate hoog op dit moment op diverse websites. De GamePro, Game Informer en TeamXbox gaven hun beoordelingen en samenvatting rondom de multiplatform game (review betreft de Xbox 360 versie):

Game Informer (93/100) likes the new transparent rejuvenation system: “In this game, you no longer need to stock potions. When an enemy is slain, there’s a chance that the fallen will gift you with a cluster of healing orbs that automatically zoom to your character. This change not only removes the clunky system of healing, it makes you feel more like a hero. Your focus is always on the battlefield, not a meter.”

GamePro (90/100) appreciates the challenging enemy AI: “The major boss battles are head and shoulders above anything you’ve seen in the past. The roster of villains changes with such frequency that you never get a chance to get sick of them. Stronger ones boast talents like healing and immunity to certain attacks, while others carry shields that force your active crew of four to work as a team.”

TeamXbox (88/100) was dazzled by the production quality: “The opening cinematic by Blur Studios is perhaps the finest I have witnessed in a videogame…but it’s worth mentioning that the in-game footage cut scenes by Raven are no slouches either. Raven’s in-game work is really nice too. Characters all have that comic book look, but have been updated to have their own edge. The backgrounds are just as sweet, flexing a bunch of post-production effects and lots of animations.”

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