The Suffering: Ties That Bind gaat GOLD


Goed nieuws voor de horrorfans onder ons, het langverwachte vervolg op The Suffering is namelijk GOLD gegaan. The Suffering: Ties That Bind verschijnt binnenkort voor de PC, Xbox en de PlayStation 2.

THE SUFFERING: TIES THAT BIND is an American-style action horror-game that emphasizes the disturbing terror of its predecessor with all-new twisted creatures and a few familiar faces. As Torque makes his way through the gritty streets, the disturbing demons seem to have followed him to the mainland and are now wreaking havoc across the city. As players explore the tough and unforgiving inner-city streets, poverty and urban injustices rear their ugly heads everywhere. Featuring three different beginnings and three different endings, THE SUFFERING: TIES THAT BIND gives players moral freedom as they delve into the perverse world of Torque s sanity to discover his past while struggling to control his future.

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