Snelst verkopende console in Australië, de Wii


Nintendo kwam onlangs met het nieuws dat hun console de best verkopende is in de geschiedenis van Australië. De Wii heeft een mijlpaal van 200,000 units bereikt, dit twee weken voor zijn éénjarig bestaan.

Nintendo Australia has just announced that the Wii is now officially the fastest selling console in Australia, reaching 200,000 units sold. The Wii has done this just two weeks shy of its Australian one year launch anniversary. The figure includes all consoles and handhelds. To put this into some context the last reported Wii figures were at the end of Q3 with 167,899 units sold. This means that from the start of October to now the Wii has sold 32101 units in a month and a half. The Wii continues to be a success down under with the system having surpassed the GameCube by a massive margin in less than a year on the market.

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