Significante veranderingen aan de wapens in Battlefield 3


Alan Kertz, Senior Gameplay Designer bij DICE, heeft significante veranderingen aan de balans van de wapens in Battlefield 3 aangekondigd. Een update zal de balans van de wapens gaan veranderen. Beneden vind je een overzicht met de grootste wijzigingen:

Foregrip (Nerfed)

The forgrip’s purpose is to reduce vertical recoil by 34% while giving a -20% penalty to base accuracy while aimed down sight. Generally, it should be used for close quarter situations when firing from the hip would me much more beneficial.

Bipod (Buffed)

The Bipod is meant for players who want to take the time to set up in a good position and defend said position or objective. It will reduce horizontal and vertical recoil (percentage depending on the weapon) as well as bullet dispersion (again, depending on the weapon and ammo type).

Suppressor (Slightly Nerfed)

The Suppressor’s main function is to provide stealth (keeping the player from showing up on the minimap when firing as well as reduce sound and visual muzzle signature) as well as provide an additional 25% accuracy bonus when aiming down sight including a 10% reduction in vertical recoil, due to it’s weight. However, the drawback here will be a reduction in minimum and maximum range (not damage) as well as a -50% penalty to base accuracy when firing from the hip.

Heavy Barrel (Greatly Buffed)

The Heavy Barrel will allow players to increase their maximum range (not damage) as well as benefit from a 50% bonus to base accuracy when aimed down sight. However, due to the barrel’s weight, it will make firing from the hip -25% less accurate as well as increase the dispersion per shot by 25%.

Flash Suppressor (Greatly Buffed)

The Flash Suppressor will give players some of the benefits of the suppressor but without as many penalties. It will only provide players with a reduction in visual muzzle signature as well as a 20& reduction in vertical recoil. The penalty here will be a -20% decrease in base accuracy when firing from the hip.

Target Pointer (Unchanged)

The Target Pointer will greatly benefit those firing from the hip by providing a 33% increase in base accuracy. On top of this, it will still be able to slightly blind opponents but will also give away the players position more easily.

No Attachments

It was not mentioned in Kertz’s Reddit post, but we can assume that a base weapon would be ideal for players who wish to avoid any negatives of any attachments, provided that they feel the bare state of the weapon is fine.

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    foking vet, DICE RULED.

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    Ze mogen die flashlight wel eens veranderen, is nog steeds te fel imo…

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