Reviewers beoordelen Halo 3 met forse cijfers


Het was misschien al duidelijk maar het wordt nog maar eens door de reviewers nader bekeken: Halo 3 is een topper. De game scoort dan ook bij de Gamepro en de 1UP maximaal. Het spel verschijnt deze maand nog voor de Xbox 360.

* Gamepro 100/100 – “It’s solid gameplay, immense replayability, online functionality and incredible production values will ensure its place in video game history, and it is, without a doubt, a satisfying and fulfilling close to the beloved trilogy.”

* 100/100 – “It’s hard to imagine a feature of this game that someone won’t love… Sure, no one aspect of the game is life-changing on its own, but perhaps the package as a whole is. After all, Halo 3 has enough content to keep you stuck to your controller for weeks, if not months or even years.”

* IGN 95/100 – “The campaign, which is very good, is Halo 3’s weakest point. It doesn’t capture the cavalier spirit of the original Halo, but you’ll still have fun playing through it. There’s no first-person shooter on 360 that can equal Halo 3’s blend of cinematic action, adrenaline-pumping shootouts, and male- (and female)-bonding gameplay. Look beyond the gameplay and you have a rich feature set unlike anything ever delivered in a videogame.”

* Gamespot 95/100 – “It’s the addition of the Forge level editor and the saved films that give the game an even longer set of legs, legs that will probably keep you running at full speed until Bungie figures out where, exactly, to go from here.”

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