QUByte Interactive kondigt 13 nieuwe games aan


QUByte Interactive heeft 13 games aangekondigd voor de Xbox One, PlayStation 4 en Switch. Het gaat om diverse games van verschillende studio’s.

Tinker Racers (PS4/Xbox One/Switch van Rumbora Party Games)

FLATLAND Vol. 2 (PS4/Switch, Minimol Games)

HTR+ High Tech Racing (PS4/Xbox One/Switch, QUbyte Interactive)

Knights Retreat (PS4/Switch, Minimol Games)

The Crown Stones: Mirrah (PS4/Xbox One/Switch, Game Nacional)

Red Ronin (PS4/Xbox One/Switch, Thiago Oliveira)

Rift Adventure (PS4/Xbox One/Switch van Gamebrew Studio)

Spooky Chase (PS4/Xbox One/Switch van Burning Goat Studio)

John The Zombie (PS4/Xbox One/Switch von Bugsoft)

Hoarding Simulator (PS4/Xbox One/Switch, Game Nacional)

Super Hiking League (PS4/Xbox One/Switch van Bit Ink Studios)

Savage Halloween (PS4/Xbox One/Switch van 2ndroids)

WarDogs: Red’s Return (PS4/Xbox One/Switch, Mito Games & Red Nose)

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