PS4 firmware 8.00 beta nu live gebracht


De PlayStation 4 firmware versie 8.00 beta is nu live gebracht. De firmware is gelimiteerd verkrijgbaar voor gebruikers die toegang hebben tot de beta. Het algehele publiek zal de firmware binnenkort krijgen als officiële release. De software brengt diverse verbeteringen, vooral op het gebied van party chat, ouderentoezicht en messaging. De gehele lijst met features is als volgt:

Party and Messages

  • When starting a party, you can now choose to create a new group or select an existing group. When you create a new group, it’ll be saved even after the party has ended. You can start a new party with the same members by selecting the group that you previously created.
  • You can now use your group across party and messages. You can send messages to a group you created for a party, or start a party with a group you’ve messaged with.
  • Messages have been added to the screen during parties. When you select messages, you’ll see the messages exchanged between members of your group.
  • The public/private settings for parties have been removed. Only members of the group can join the party.
  • You can now change your party settings from the options menu that displays on the screen when you select party. You can also manage your party connection settings when you select [Party Voice Chat Connection], which has been added to the party settings.
  • Members of your party can now see when your mic is muted.
  • You can now join parties even if there are members that you’ve blocked. When you join a party with a blocked member, or when a blocked member joins the party, you’ll receive a notification. During the party, you won’t hear each other, and the game you’re playing, as well as your Share Play status, won’t be displayed. In addition, the blocked member won’t be notified that you’ve blocked them.
  • Play Together sessions can no longer be started during a party. For online multiplayer games, you can start a game session within the game.

Parental Controls

  • Communicating with other players and viewing content created by other players have been combined and are now communication and user-generated content. If you’ve selected “Not Allowed” for either of the settings, the same setting will transfer after the update.


  • Mute all microphones has been added to the quick menu under sound/devices. This setting mutes all microphones connected to your PS4.
  • The following changes have been made for communities
    • You can no longer create parties from the Community area. You’ll need to create a group in a party.
  • You can no longer create a new event in Events – Events created before the update will still be held, and events and tournaments hosted by game developers will continue to take place.
  • For some features, the content displayed on the screen has changed, as well as the screen design.
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