Treyarch heeft patch 1.06 van Call of Duty: Black Ops gelanceerd voor de PlayStation 3. De patch fixt enkele problemen waaronder vastlopers in grotere servers. Ook de Second Chance perk bug is gefixt. Daarnaast brengt de patch 2 nieuwe features naar de game, waaronder nieuwe contracts en een pre-match timer voor LAN/System-link games. De lag-problemen worden niet aangepakt, maar Treyarch zegt wel hier aandacht aan te zullen besteden.
New Features:
New contracts added to the rotation.
Added optional pre-match timer for LAN / System-Link games.
Issues Addressed:
Fixed freeze associated with larger games.
Improved reliability of players connections to one another.
Improved ability to bring parties to the game lobby. Late party joiners would try to connect to previous lobby host and be denied if new joiners trigger a lobby host migration.
Addressed an issue where the Host encounters and infinite spinning loading circle after a Host migration.
Fixed a timing specific, long/infinite loading screen when joining games (sometimes giving you “Error – Read error (0×80010713) on file
Second Chance – players that put an enemy into Second Chance are now credited for a full kill once that enemy dies. If another player kills the enemy while the enemy is in Second Chance, they will get assist credit.
Adjustments to the PSG1 with attachments.
AK74U adjustments.
RCXD adjustments.
Silenced sniper rifle adjustments.
Removed hit markers when shooting friendly equipment.
ze moeten die COD helemaal weg halen kut spel nu ik crysis heb gezien kunnen ze inpakken mer codbo hahaha wat een waardeloos spel zeg lig bij mij al maanden te verstoffen ik spel allen 1 en 2 nog
Dat hele second change moet er uit! waardeloos
Second Chance ? players that put an enemy into Second Chance are now credited for a full kill once that enemy dies. If another player kills the enemy while the enemy is in Second Chance, they will get assist credit. Wow die vind ik goed