Problemen rondom Sensible World of Soccer release op Xbox LIVE Arcade


Er is een incorrecte versie van Sensible Soccer online verschenen op het Xbox Live netwerk. De versie zou ervoor zorgen dat gebruikers gedisconnect worden met Xbox Live. Codemasters zegt momenteel het probleem te onderzoeken en dat men met een oplossing zal gaan komen, zodra deze beschikbaar is. Hier volgt het officieel statement naar aanleiding van de release van Sensible World of Soccer release op Xbox LIVE Arcade hedenmorgen:

“It has come to our attention that an incorrect version of Sensible World of Soccer was made available on Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft® which has since been taken down. This version incorrectly disconnected users that attempted to connect to Xbox LIVE.
We are currently investigating the issue and will have a correctly functioning version of Sensible World of Soccer available soon.
Any users that have already downloaded Sensible World of Soccer will need to delete their copy of the game and download it again when the correctly functioning version is available in order to enjoy online play via Xbox LIVE. Following this process does not incur any additional charges.

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