Patch voor Unreal Tournament III verschijnt nog deze maand


Epic Games heeft bekend gemaakt dat vanaf 27 maart een patch voor de game Unreal Tournament III gedownload kan worden. De patch zou dan zowel in Europa als in Amerika beschikbaar moeten zijn. In de onderstaande changelog kun je zien wat men allemaal zal verbeteren aan de game met de software.

Wijzigingen voor Amerika
* Made compatible with Euro version (both are patched to the same level)
* Fixed reversed ping sorting in server browser
* Fixed some rare crashes (shutting down, saving with low HD space, AI, etc)
* Fixed a client crash while connecting to server while server it switching maps
* Minor rewordings of various messages
* Fixed mutator mods to not be always loaded, only load mutators when needed
* Added mod import verification for inter-mod package name conflicts
* Fixed weapon/effect sorting in DM-Gateway snow
* Fixed extraneous “Player” entries in campaign scoreboard
* Fixed some getting stuck and outside the world bugs
* No longer display “Player is on red/blue” messages in campaign
* Fixed a Torlan bot pathing bug
* Fix for too many custom characters causing texture corruption
* Keyboard jump now does Smart Jump
* Fix for tilt controlling player sometimes
* Removed Warfare Score Limit of 0 in UI
* Disabled 3d sound positioning on mission briefing sounds
* Fixed exploits with ViewNextPlayer in rare cases
* Fixed some HUD positioning bugs
* Fixed a Darkwalker AI bug
* Fixed some teleporter timing bugs
* Fixed low-bandwidth, large player count connectivity

Overige fixes voor Europa en Amerika
* Mods now on root of memory device, can download easier from PS3 web browser
* Fixed VOIP quality issues
* Fixed some headset connection issues
* Added support for full character mods (heads/premade whole characters)
* No longer need to reboot after importing a character mod to see it in menus
* DLC no longer acts like a user mod (being listed in MyContent and causing disable mod crash dialog)
* Fix for bootup and import slowdown with many mods installed
* Add a VOIP icon when VOIP is active (button held down)
* Fixes for corrupted the auto-mod-download cache
* Fix for flickering auto-download text
* Fix for getting stuck in multiplayer menu if you get in before gamespy connects
* Fixed a mod problem with switching between mod and shipping maps with clients teleporting randomly
* Fixed a mod problem with multiple gametype mods installed, only first one imported would work
* Fixed Leviathan deploy icon
* Bots now respect players feigning death (depending on bot skill level)
* Bots now respect sandstorm “blindness”
* Fix for bots picking linkgun mode

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