Online Metal Gear naar de PS3, Xbox 360 en PC?


Gebaseerd op de informatie afkomstig van IGN lijkt het erop dat we nogal wat versies mogen gaan verwachten van de nieuwe online Metal Gear game die Kojima inmiddels al aan het ontwikkelen zou zijn. Het was al langer bekend dat Kojima zijn Metal Gear Solid reeks online zou willen zien in de toekomst en dat gaat dan ook gebeuren zo lijkt het. Het spel zou zelfs ook op meerdere platforms beschikbaar zijn, zo worden de PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 en zelfs de PC genoemd in het rijtje der aankondigingen.

In the interview, Kojima reveals that the best developers over at Kojima Productions have been working on an Online Metal Gear Solid for some time, but could never find the opportunity to release their work. With the announcement of Subsistence, team members decided to put together all their work together and allow people to play it. They did this while believing that what they had achieved at that point wasn’t “ideal” as far as Online play is concerned.

The real fun apparently comes after people have played Subsistence. “We would like to make a more meaningful Metal Gear Online after hearing the opinions of people who’ve played the Online battles in Subsistence.” Kojima comments. “Years from now, we’d like to realize this on the PlayStation 3, on the Xbox 360, or maybe on the PC.”

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