Nieuwe update Horizon: Zero Dawn voegt ultra hard moeilijkheidsgraad toe


De nieuwe update voor Horizon: Zero Dawn is uit. Update 1.30 voegt onder andere progressie fixes en technische verbeteringen toe aan de game maar brengt ook een Ultra hard moeilijkheidsgraad en Game+. Met deze laatste optie kun je met je bestaande gear nogmaals door de game heen spelen. De gehele changelog is als volgt:

Patch Summary

New game+ added for players who want to play through the game with their existing gear.
Ultra Hard mode is added for the players that are up for another challenge!
Added two new trophies to the game: One for completing New game+ and one for completing New game+ in ultra-hard mode.
Added support for all EU and US text Languages on EU and US games.

General Fixes

Fixed an issue for some players in “The Looming Shadow” where two guards would disappear after Blameless Marad speaks to them.
Fixed an issue for certain players with the Lodge Ropecaster where the ropecaster’s anchors that are automatically shot in the ground would not stick to the terrain while shooting from a crouched position.
Fixed an issue for some players where bandit camps would incorrectly display as ‘Undiscovered’ within the world map if the player had cleared all bandit camps.
Fixed an issue with “Cauldron Zeta” where for some players the quest log would disappear after completing the quest.
Fixed an issue that some players encountered with the animations of Aloy. When the player would perform a melee attack and use the Focus almost simultaneously, it would cause Aloy’s upper body to twist unnatural for a moment.
Fixed an issue with the humanoid scream and attack indicators.
Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where for some players the data points in Sobeck’s office were not obtainable if the player wanted to pick them after the explosion caused by Helis, as they had disappeared.
Fixed an issue with the Tearblaster statistics being incorrectly displayed in the weapon wheel.

Progression Issues Fixes

Fixed an issue in “Field of the Fallen” where for some players Erend would not appear and thus blocked progression of this quest.
Fixed an issue in “The City of the Sun” where some players might teleport through the protester scene, blocking progression as Erend would not open the door to Olin’s apartment.

Crash Fixes

Fixed miscellaneous crashes.

Miscellaneous Fixes

Minor text fixes.

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