Nieuwe patch The Lord of the Rings: BFME


Vorige week werd er al druk gespeculeerd over een toekomstige patch. Vandaag maakte EA deze speculatie hard en gaf meteen de nieuwe patch vrij. De patch 1.03 zal een heleboel irritante bugs uit het spel halen, ook de single- en multiplayer mode gaat er op vooruit. In de nieuwe patch zitten namelijk een paar nieuwe maps. Hieronder de gehele lijst met aanpassingen;

Crashes and Desyncs
Fixed Crash when hosting an 8 player MP game with a min spec RAM machine
Fixed Crash associated with Gloin’s Slam ability
Fixed Crash associated with waiting in the online lobby
Fixed Crash when using team chat
Fixed Desync with AI casting Dwarven Riches
Fixed Desync that occurs in War of the Ring when a human player is defeated in his home territory on the same turn as an ally defeats an AI player in their home territory
Fixed potential Desync with users being able to edit CAH .inis

The following new maps have been added to MP / Skirmish:
Fords of Isen II
Tournament Hills
Weather Hills
Grey Havens – Garrison-able tower now appears for all players
Mirkwood – Top center starting position has had mountains removed to make it more balanced
Minas Morgul – Fixed bug where Drogoth could not use his incinerate ability in pathable areas

De gehele lijst met aanpassingen is hier te vinden.

De patch is via deze link te downloaden.

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