Nieuwe game modi voor Resident Evil 6 onderweg


Capcom zal op 18 december meer content gaan leveren voor de game Resident Evil 6. Het gaat om nieuwe multiplayer modes genaamd Predator, Survivors en Onslaught welke voor 320 Microsoft punten aangeschaft kunnen worden (per stuk). Het complete pakket kost 720 Microsoft punten.

Predator: one player takes on the role of the Ustanak, the fearsome B.O.W. that stalks Jake Muller throughout his campaign, and tries to eliminate the human players. The humans’ task: stop the deadly B.O.W. in its tracks, or at least survive until the end of the session.

Survivors: takes the classic solo and team-based versus mode and adds a twist. Get killed and respawn as an enemy character with the ability to attack the human characters. Take down one human character to resurrect in human form. Last man or team standing wins. Survivors can be played by two to six players.

Onslaught: sees two players go head-to-head in an attempt to clear waves of oncoming enemies. Chaining combos provides the key to success in Onslaught as this will send enemies over to the opponent’s screen, the more that are sent over, the quicker the victory will be.

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