Lost Planet patch verschijnt later dan verwacht


Capcom heeft bekend gemaakt dat zij de patch voor Lost Planet in maart uit zullen gaan brengen op het Xbox Live netwerk. De patch zou de nodige bugs uit de game moeten halen en maakt het onder andere mogelijk voor spelers om op een makkelijkere manier te communiceren in de lobby voor en na een game sessie. Daarnaast zou er ook een connection-speed indicator in het spel verwerkt gaan worden. De gehele changelog die men al heeft weten voor te schotelen ziet er als volgt uit:


– In the pre-game lobby, a country flag icon will be shown next to the Gamertag of each player. This will be especially helpful for determining location of the match host.
– In the pre-game lobby, an icon will be added next to each player’s Gamertag, indicating connection strength, speed and rating.
– In Team Elimination, Post Grab and Fugitive modes, an indicator will be added next to the Gamertag of the person who is speaking.
– At the post-match Results screen, an indicator will be added next to the Gamertag of the person who is speaking.
– At the post-match Results screen, Gamertags of the players who have left the session will be darkened.

Bug Fixes

– Sometimes in Fugitive mode there would be multiple Fugitives instead of just one — Fixed
– Occasionally, if an error occurred on the lobby screen, another lobby screen would be displayed on top of it — Fixed
– Sometimes when there was a long delay/lag, the game would hang at the transition screen going from the lobby to the game and then reboot — Fixed
– Sometimes when there was a long delay/lag, depending on the console, certain players in the match would become invisible for the duration of the match — Fixed
– Sometimes post-match Results screens would show players who did not participate in the match — Fixed
– Starting a taunt animation during a reload shortened the reload time as an exploit — Fixed

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