Killing Floor 2 krijgt vandaag eerste gratis uitbreiding – Tropical Bash!


Tripwire Interactive heeft vandaag de eerste gratis uitbreiding genaamd Tropical Bash uitgebracht voor de populaire sci-fi horror FPS game, Killing Floor 2! Na de succesvolle lancering van Killing Floor 2 in november, is Tripwire verheugd om hun eerste gratis update van het nieuwe jaar te lanceren. Tripwire legt zich toe op de ondersteuning van hun titels na lancering en geeft de spelers een voorproefje van wat er komen gaat met de lancering van Tropical Bash..

The Tropical Bash Content Pack introduces an all-new island getaway where players will encounter a brand-new type of monstrous Zed, while avoiding the perils of the deadly jungle. The brand-new Gorefiend Zed, an even more dangerous brother to the Gorefast Zed, brings additional challenges for new and veteran players with its dual blades and powerful attacks. Players will have to dodge and weave the Gorefiend’s attacks through a brand-new map, Zed Landing, which will take them to a tropical lush island. This island is also home to an active volcano, which may pose a greater danger than the Zeds that lurks in its dark jungles. The last major addition comes in the form of the Bone Crusher, a devastating makeshift mace and shield for the Berserker perk.

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