Joystiq komt met prijskaartje voor de PS3


Volgens Joystiq zou de PlayStation 3 tussen de 300 en 400 dollar gaan kosten in Amerika. Verder baseert men enkele feiten op informatie die men gekregen zou hebben. Het betreft namelijk het volgende waaruit blijkt dat Sony zich ook vooral op de markt van multimedia zal storten met de komst van de PlayStation 3, genoemde opmerkingen van Joystick zijn nog niet bevestigd door Sony zelf en blijven voorlopig nog sappige geruchten.

– Sony will be releasing new portable media player devices that “will focus primarily on video and transferring user-selected content from digital video recorders and other devices using Sony Memory Sticks”
– The Sony PlayStation business is worth approximately $20 billion out of Sony Entertainments’s entire $37 billion valuation. (The entire company rakes in $65 billion per year.)
– The PS3 is a Blu-ray trojan horse. According to an anonymous “high-level studio executive,” the PS3 will be a “subsidized Blu-ray play that will sell 20 million units. The first HD player will be on the market for $1,000. PS3 could be at $300 or $400. Sony will be selling them at a loss the first six months to a year just to get Blu-ray players out in the market. So studios realize they need to have their content on it.”
– “PS3 will be bundled with a selection of preloaded films, TV programs and games”

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