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  • #525374


    Dr. D3nVilDr. D3nVil
    Dr. D3nVilDr. D3nVil


    imported_Z@3 RedrumZ@3 Redrum.

    In the same group of four students at the (same) company, analyze and describe the following elements of the WMS system:

    • Describe the following elements of the WMS/WM-module:

    – Custom built – Off the shelf (which system)

    – It’s basic a off the shelf system that has been modified to supply hon’s needs. Jeeves has got an off the shelf system, but because it has to work with the MLS erp system of HON it has been modified slightly.

    – WMS – WM module

    – It is an WMS, Hon chose for a complete system because there wasn’t really one, they used to print the orders from the erp system. Orders were entered into the erp system by hand or via the internet. And then the lists with orders were printed and when done, they were manually booked into the erp system. Because the old ERP system from MLS had few warehouse management module it was not possible to expand the system.

    – The reason for the choice of elements stated above

    – Hon chose for the complete WMS system because they sought after a system that could do the lot. They wanted to automate a lot of things within order picking and the lot.

    The current ERP system with a couple of WM module was not up to the task of handling such things as Voice picking and the more developed bar code scanning. That is why HON went on looking for a WMS/ERP engineer that had experience with these sort of tasks. It could do even more, where the ERP system from MLS used to handle the order picking, there is where the WMS from Jeeves could step in and handle it automatically from an early point on in the order processing.

    – History (age) and remaining life span of the system for the future of the company

    – Hon is thinking of a life span of 10 years. But the WMS can be upgraded with more modules if necessary, but with the current set up they want to use it for around 10 years.

    • Describe the key functionalities of the WMS/WM-module. Also address:

    – Functionalities that are filled in by other systems or Excel sheets

    • Order entry is done via the ERP system, when it is cleared it is transferred to the WMS.

    – The main functionalities that HON requires from the WMS are:

    • Order picking via voice and scanner

    • When an order is completed, it should be set ready in the system for delivery

    • It has to alert the supervisor if there is stock in the system but the order picker tells the system there is none.

    • It has to work with the current ERP system. When orders are completed they should be able to be booked back in the ERP system so that the loading lists can be printed.

    • Stock keeping

    • Able to put different types of goods at different locations.

    They have 4 separate divisions, 1 for white goods, 1 for small electronics, 1 for large electronics and 1 for high value but small, like telephones.

    • Describe the hierarchal architecture of the system and the interaction/interfacing with the surrounding systems. Also address::

    – The separation of system responsibilities, and

    The ERP is responsible for financial data, order entry, route planning.

    The WMS is responsible for the order picking, stock keeping and so forth.

    Within the WMS there is the voice picking and scanning.

    – Elements that played a role when designing the hierarchal architecture for your company

    What kind of company is it, production, distribution.

    What does the company find important.

    What is the current structure used.

    • Describe of the warehouse the following elements:

    – High level quantities (orders, order lines, locations, employees)

    • 3 distribution locations

    • 120 employees

    • Around 1000 orders a day, but it is seasonal so it can fluctuate between 500 and 1500 orders a day.

    • Average order lines per order is 4, so between 2000 and 6000 order lines.

    – The main processes (incl. the way shipments are sent to customers)

    • There is only one main process and that is the order picking and sending it to the customer. When an order is entered, it is send to the order picker, the order picker gets a signal through the voice pick system that the picker should go to a location and get the items, when the items are picked, they have to be delivered to a route. If that is done the WMS will book the order in the ERP system which will then print the routes, this is done in the morning and in the evening. With the route papers, the drivers will load their trucks and go and deliver them by truck. The distribution is done by HON itself.

    – The products and the most important product requirements,

    The products are mostly categorized in 2 categories, white goods and consumer electronics. White goods are washing machines, refrigerators and freezers. While consumer electronics consists of TV’s, home cinema, irons, juicers and more.

    – The order picking systems and methods, and

    • As shown in the chapter of Jeeves, HON uses voice to pick in combination with scanning to pick goods. Goods are picked manually, with use of reach trucks and EPT’s. HON is currently building a automated aisle, were small goods will be stored and where a shuttle will pick the goods.

    – The customers, order profiles and customer requirements.

    • The customers are usually shop owners, like Expert, Electronic partners. These will always buy goods in small amounts. Most of the clients are the smaller retailers like these. But there are a couple of large clients, like MediaMarkt and Saturn, these clients will always order large quantities and sometimes full truck loads. The requirements customers want is that the goods aren’t damaged. HON has a service that they will deliver within 24 hours, so that is a requirement of the clients, that HON comes good on their promises. Some clients want their goods on a pallet if it is much. Sometimes HON can’t comply because the truck is full and it is wasting space if there is half a pallet with goods for a client.

    Some clients have specific times when they want their goods, HON will do whatever they can to meet these demands, but sometimes it will cost too much time and then they won’t comply.

    • Describe of the warehouse of each of the following processes, a minimum of 4 functional requirements for system support, that can be deduced from: process, customer, product etc.

    – Goods Receipt

    – Put-away

    – Storage

    – Picking

    – Expedition

    • Describe what decision rules for either put-away or picking are used in the system. If the system does not work with decision rules, describe the rules employees use in day to day practice.

    Decision rules are simple for put away, most of the time the employee that handles incoming goods gets a list where everything should be placed. He will put everything in place, but sometimes the location is not empty, then he will search for a suitable location to put away the goods and will change the location on the list so it can be changed manually.

    Decision rules with order picking are the following:

    Is the EAN code correct, if it is correct it can be picked, if it is not, it will not be picked yet, but a signal will go to the supervisor who will sort everything out.

    Are the goods there, if an order picker sees that there are no goods, he will tell the system that there are none. The system will check the stock level, if there is a difference the system will alert the supervisor.

    LOL, mijn semi nachtwerk werkstukje, ik heb alles beetje halfafgemaakt, moet pas volgende week vrijdag afzijn.


    Arnold Schwarzenegger en Sigourney Weaver


    Sherlock Holmes

    Wou wat info zoeken over de acteurs.



    Geen flauw idee waar dat vandaan komt. Lijkt wel een wachtwoord. :mrgreen:




    Niet Aliens vs Predator voor mijn neus vandaan snoepen he ;)


    TmoomT wrote:



    Niet Aliens vs Predator voor mijn neus vandaan snoepen he ;)

    Haha, als ik hem win mag je hem kopen voor €10 xD



    Cali wrote:

    Haha, als ik hem win mag je hem kopen voor €10 xD


    Waarom doe je überhaupt mee als je niet eens een Xbox 360 hebt?

    OT: God of War 3


    efnet 18977

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