De belofte van de PS2 niet waargemaakt en de PS3 vaporware?

Home Forums Games discussies De belofte van de PS2 niet waargemaakt en de PS3 vaporware?

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  • #115867

    Dit wil ik jullie echt niet onthouden, en is een flinke lap tekst maar wel mega-interessant vind ik zelf.

    Het is opgesteld in een thread op een hardwaresite. Het hele voorspel ging erover dat Sony met zijn ps2 zijn belofte nooit heeft waar kunnen maken, en ze op de E3 nu een bullshit verhaal lieten zien met geprerenderde filmpjes en nep hardware. Deze gast (Dann Kamitzki) heeft heel rake uitspraken.

    Nadat hij dit had gepost moest eigenlijk iedereen die had gezegd dat Sony zowel bij de ps2 alsook nu bij de PS3 bullshit verkoopt zijn woorden inslikken.

    Doe je eens de moeite en lees dit alsjeblieft, please

    Het begint hier:

    Originally Posted by roy179

    Somebody needs to put together a webpage detailing all the promises Sony made for the PS2 and compare them to what they actually delivered. You know, the ‘renders Toy Story in realtime’, ‘Emotion Engine’ the firewire port, the PCMCIA slot, list goes on.


    answerd by Dann Kamitzki hardware specialist

    Not sure exactly what you’re getting at here but Sony never claimed that the PS2 could render Toy Story in real time. The system did have a firewire port. It also has a PCMCIA slot as well……


    Originally Posted by Hellraiser

    I’m sorry this pisses me off. This sony hype stuff keeps getting worse…how can you hold a presentation…say your GPU is the most powerful in the world….far more advanced than the 360 GPU…show charts on it…and the damn thing is STILL in development. You showing demos of what the GPU can do…yet you dont even have a single piece of working silicon. Everything is theoretical then…meaning they are not be able to achieve what they said. Vap[orware, just like the PS2. This is just nasty nasty marketing.


    answerd by Dann kamitzki hardware specialist

    It’s not as if they don’t have an idea what the chip will be able to do though. You just don’t design a chip, especially one that’s going to need to be in testing form pretty soon. Could there be some changes, of course, but the general target should be relatively close. But again the same could be applied to Microsoft so why not attack them at the same time? Up until E3, there was no Xbox 360 GPU in silicon form. In fact, developers still don’t have it in their hand. What about the Xbox 360’s CPU? Nobody has shown silicon of that yet and no developer has it in hand either. At least PS3 developers have a Cell CPU to work with. They also have a dual GeForce 6800 Ultra SLI setup to work with in their dev kits too which Nvidia has already claimed the PS3 RSX and their next generation PC chipsets will be faster than. And Nvidia is not telling bullshit.

    Come on people, let’s face some facts here. All the software demos for both the PS3 and Xbox 360 were not on anything even close to final hardware. They were running on development kits that both companies are giving out to developers to work with. Both the final systems will be much more powerful than what is currently in the dev kit. The thing is, the PS3 dev kit is much more closer to what a PS3 will be like than an Xbox 360 dev kit is to the real Xbox 360 at this point in time. The PS3 is still a year away, the xbo 360 6 months.


    Originally Posted by mokojojo

    Exactly…What does that say…Im supprised people say PS3 is already way powerful than XBOX 360, at least MS had the guts and say the demos were running at alpha kits…where the demos they had was running on an Alpha kit which was basicaly a G5 power PC and who knows what version on of ATi card, Isnt that the same that we can expect way better performance with 360 more cause we havent realy even seen the demos run on one piece of component inside 360?…so we dont realy know what to expect yet and we already have people with conlusions…thats whats wrong here…you would think sony wouldve mentioned it in E-3…


    Answerd by Dann Kamitzki hardware specialist

    Sony said that the stuff was running on development kits. No different than MS saying it. But let’s also be realistic about the hardware. The PS3 will be a more powerful system. It’s going to come out at least 6 months later. Sony has also been working on the PS3 longer (4 years) than Microsoft has been working on the Xbox 360 (2,5 years) even ignoring the fact that its coming out later. How much better in real world performance, we don’t know. We do have to blame Microsoft cuz they did this same mistake before. They unveiled the Xbox in the same manner where they showed games on hardware that was barely the performance of the final system and it made them look bad. What’s even worse is that they weren’t showing tech demos to show off the system like they did for the Xbox back at GDC. Tech demos at least get you excited to the potential where as games running on weak development kits running at 15 fps make you look bad. Microsoft did this before and you would think they would have learned the first time. Combine that with a well done showing by Sony, and you can understand why there is that perception.


    Originally Posted by mokojojo

    And Im not bashing Sony…But do note Sony tends to exagerate things…They were the ones who said PS2 was more powerful than 10 Pentium 4’s…and has a Graphics performance way better than anything out at that time…What happend when XBOX came out…all it took was 1 Pentium 3 CPU and a updated Geforce 3 GPU to better sony hardware wise…and that didnt realy do much dev time since those components was already out even before PS2 came out…

    I dont realy think that either systems will have that much siginificant performance advantage from each other since they are so similarly spec…


    Answerd by Dann Kamitzki hardware specialist

    The PS2 CPU is still more powerful than the Xbox’s CPU. The Emotion Engine is still a very powerful CPU but it’s also different than what people were used to. The Vector Units was a different way of thinking of how to code for a game console. Combine that with let’s face it, not a great set of development tools early on and a complicated architecutre, and you can see where some of the bottlenecks start popping up. Also look at the PS2 GPU, it was also a different way of thinking compared to what developers were used to. Remember how people complained about the system only having 4 megs of VRAM when it wasn’t VRAM? It was a frame buffer and it needed developers to think in a different way of traditional development. Now look at the Xbox 360, it has 10 megs of embedded memory in a similar fashion yet nobody will think of bashing it because people have come to understand this different way of utilizing hardware. The PS2 certainly had its fair share of issues hardware wise, but it came down to an unfamiliar architecture and a lack of tools. Again, now look at where things are going. Both systems are utilizing multi core CPUs and utilizing fast buses to move data between RAM, CPU and GPU. All concepts that were brought forth by the PS2 in game console development.


    Originally Posted by mokojojo

    Am I the only one here that went to E-3 2000 when sony had all those cool tech Demos before the PS2 launch (Including a FFVIII demo running on real time…supposedly)…to date I havent seen any game yet that look anywhere close to the tech demos they showed back then…


    Originally Posted by Dean Martin

    For example we know that Sony has a history of not having their last console deliver what they have shown at an E3. That makes us skeptical of what is to come.

    I put both of these for last as its been shown that the PS2 surpassed the tech demos shown by Sony when the PS2 was unveiled. I was at the GDC unveiling and the unveiling in Japan for the PS2 and remember each event quite distinctly. Ignoring all the stupid marketing buzz and looking straight at the demos and the hardware specs, Sony delivered what they promised.


    Answerd by Dann Kamitzki hardware specialist

    All of the PS2 stuff shown there is done in real time on the system. I think it’s pretty clear that the PS2 has at least matched the tech demos if not surpassed them. Look at games like FF10 and Gran turismo 4 and God of War, They certainly did not under deliver from what the tech demos showed. It’s one of the reasons I believe Sony’s current tech demos. They didn’t lie before and knowing what the demos were running on, I can fully understand and expect what they showed to be a reality some day.

    I’m not trying to say the PS3 is going to kill the Xbox 360 or that the Xbox 360 sucks. I just think its odd how the Sony and the PS3 are getting a lot of bashing while nothing is being said about Microsoft. I find it funny becasue the PS3 dev kits are closer to the real thing than the Xbox 360’s. I also notice a lot of people have only partial information or some of the facts right while going off things that they believe to be true when they aren’t. I think both systems will be excellent. I think the PS3 will be a better system when it comes to a technology standpoint. I also think Sony did a better job of unveiling their system compared to Microsoft. They gave the perception that they were significantly better and if you didn’t know better and just looked at both of them, you would believe them. They certainly made the Xbox 1.5 statement appear to be true. Microsoft trying to do damage control by having an article out there that points out how the Xbox 360 is more powerful than the PS3 shouts more of desperation on Microsoft’s part. They know they got bent over during E3 from how they unveiled the system. Did anyone watch the MTV special and came away hyped? Most people I know wanted their 30 minutes back.

    Ik heb er in ieder geval veel van opgestoken en geleerd, en ben er ook nu van overtuigd dat de PS3 en Sony ook nu gaan waarmaken wat ze beloven. 😉

    Z@3 +1



    I’m not trying to say the PS3 is going to kill the Xbox 360 or that the Xbox 360 sucks

    Kortom: hij zegt niet, wat wij allemaal wel denken 😈


    Er ging iets fout nu moet het hersteld zijn….Sorry.

    Ik post graag hier, en dat het wordt gewaardeerd is gewoon keigaaf 😳


    Jezelf quoten met zo’m lap text vind ik buitengewoon irrtiand, dus of de mods verwijderen die post of je doet het zelf even.

    Voor de rest heb ik dikke respect voor je dat je telkens weer zoveel nieuws hier kan posten zeg!

    Bedankt voor het wijzigen van je post. Als het een foutje was, neem me het dan niet kwalijk.

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