Harmonix geeft fouten in eerdere Rock Band gitaren toe


Harmonix heeft toegegeven dat niet alle gitaren voor Rock Band naar behoren zouden werken. Onlangs kwamen er heel wat klachten rondom de game, waarbij de gitaar niet correct zou werken. Volgens Harmonix gaat het voorlopig enkel om eerdere producties van de apparatuur. Nieuwe gitaren zullen dus wel correct werken. Harmonix raadt gebruikers van de mindere gitaren aan contact op te nemen met Electronic Arts.

Many of you have contacted us regarding your guitar controllers. As sometimes happens when new products first go into manufacturing, we discovered an imperfection with the strum bar in an early production run of guitars that were shipped at launch. We want to inform you that we have since identified and fixed the issue in all subsequent production runs of the guitars. If you are experiencing a problem with your guitar or any of your other Rock Band instruments, simply visit the customer support website (http://support.ea.com/rockband) and we will send a replacement immediately. Harmonix is dedicated to creating 100% customer satisfaction and to those of you who’ve encountered any hardware issues, we are sorry for the hassle.

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