Grootse CSS en Source engine updates


Vannacht heeft Valve enkele grootse updates ingevoerd voor Counter-Strike, de nieuwe map cs_assault zou onder andere verschenen zijn en de nieuwe terrorist models zouden dan eindelijk zijn verandert. Ook de bots hebben wat meer vooruitgang weten te boeken. De gehele changelog ziet er als volgt uit:

Counter-Strike: Source
– New Features/Improvements
– New Source remake of classic Counter-Strike map cs_assault
– New “Phoenix Connection” Terrorist model (replaces existing model)

New Player Animations
– Walk/run cycles now include whole-body motion
– Players automatically raise their weapon and aim through the sights when they stop to fire
– Weapon-specific reload animations with removable ammo clips added
– Shotgun reloads animate each individual shell reload
– Animated the bolt pull for each shot of the AWP
– Added upper-body recoil animations for shotguns and AWP

New grenade throw and knife animations
– Spectator UI now resizes controls to account for long map names
– A notification is now displayed to all players when auto-balancing teams
– Added message for players who try to defuse the bomb while another player is already doing so
– Added item_nvgs and item_ entities for fy_ maps
– Can no longer stab with the knife while defusing or during freeze time at the start of a round
– Player count in dedicated server interface now includes bots
– Dedicated servers can now use the “timeleft” command
-Dedicated servers are now secure by default, add “-insecure” to the command line to run in insecure mode.

Bug fixes

Dedicated servers no longer crash when setting “name” via the console
Fixed bug that would occasionally make player weapons disappear
Low-violence death animations no longer float if the player dies while in the air
Fixed bug that caused the grenade throw animation to incorrectly play when spectating in the game
Fixed view jitter caused by prediction errors when near physics objects
Spectators now hear weapon pickup sounds
Armor is now given with game_player_equip
Extra pistol ammo no longer given at round restart
Weaker flashbangs effects no longer cancel out stronger ones
maps/cfg/.cfg aren’t exec’d if they don’t exist (fixes console warnings)
Fixed bug that caused hostage scenario HUD icon showing 1 hostage left when all were rescued or dead
game_player_equip removes player equipment before adding new items

Bot Changes

Bots can use sloped ladders now
Bots open +use doors better
Bots don’t think they’re stuck when hiding
Bots using knives can break breakables while pursuing enemies now

Navigation Mesh generation improvements

Nav generation ignores doors and breakables better
Non-planar nav areas aren’t merged into larger areas
Added nav_generate_incremental to generate additional nav areas starting from a walkable marker, without destroying existing mesh
Areas no longer get connected to ladders multiple times (caused a crash if the ladder was deleted)
Added nav_restart_after_analysis
Fixed bug where some areas would be incorrectly marked as crouch
Navigation Mesh Editor changes
Nav areas draw a background color, making them more visible
Nav_update_blocked warps the local player to the first blocked area
Added nav_build_ladder (point at a climbable surface so the cursor is green, and type nav_build_ladder to automatically create a nav ladder)
Added nav_no_hostages, to mark an area as not suitable for hostage navigation
Added nav_remove_unused_jump_areas to remove extraneous jump areas
Fixed a crash caused by manually creating an area before doing a nav_generate on a new map

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