Geen XFire, maar GameSpy software voor PlayStation 3 netwerk


We wisten onlangs nog te vertellen dat Sony gebruik zou gaan maken van de XFire software voor hun PlayStation 3 netwerk binnenkort, dit blijkt echter niet waar te zijn. Sony zou namelijk gereageerd hebben tegenover de Joystiq rondom het nieuws. Zij zouden op dit moment geen XFire technologie gaan integreren: “Sony Online Entertainment has contacted 1UP and clarified that the Xfire technology was only being evaluated for the PS3 launch title, Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom. ‘This proposed deal is completely separate and independent from the PlayStation Network Platform, and is something that SOE was examining specifically for Dark Kingdom.’ It seems we’re back to square one.”

Wel zou men gebruik gaan maken van GameSpy, dit werd al eerder bekend gemaakt, maar later is hier nog maar weinig over bekend gemaakt. Zoals het er nu naar uit ziet, kunnen we dus binnenkort gebruik gaan maken van GameSpy software, boven XFire software: “Per your Xfire post, there are many network middleware providers partnered with Sony on the PNP. These are third parties that they use to supplement their in-house online solutions. This includes the likes of Gamespy and several others. To clarify the Internet gossip a bit, the Xfire story does not mean that Sony has outsourced their online platform to a single vendor. They are just one of the bunch. Sony continues to develop funtionality and their own Xfire-like capabilities while not trying to reinvent the wheel. Several PS3 titles use Gamespy, for example, to do their matchmaking already.”

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