Game Informer beoordeelt veel toppers


Het Gamesmagazine heeft weer de nodige games beoordeeld. Games als Super Mario 3D World, Need for Speed Rivals, Forza, Knack, Killzone en Tearaway krijgen prima cijfers:

Need For Speed Rivals (PS4/Xbox One, EA): 9
Knack (PS4, Sony): 8,25
Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4, Sony): 8
Resogun (PS4 PSN, Sony): 8
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U, Nintendo): 9,25
Mario Party: Island Tour (3DS, Nintendo): 4
Ratchet & Clank: Into The Nexus (PS3, Sony): 8
Killer Instinct (Xbox One, Microsoft): 8,75
Forza Motorsport 5 (Xbox One, Microsoft): 8,75
Super Motherload (Xbox One, XGen Studios): 6,75
Ryse (Xbox One, Microsoft): 6
Contrast (PS4/PS3/Xbox 360, Focus): 7,5
Lococycle (Xbox One, Microsoft): 7
NBA 2K14 (PS4/Xbox One, 2K Sports): 8,5
NBA Live 14 (PS4/Xbox One, EA Sports): 4
Crimson Dragon (Xbox One, Microsoft): 6
Tearaway (PS Vita, Sony): 9
Zoo Tycoon (Xbox One, Microsoft): 7
Powerstar Gold (Xbox One, Microsoft): 8
Warframe (PS4, Sony): 7,75
BioShock Infinite: Burieal at Sea – Episode 1 (PS3/Xbox 360, 2K Games): 8

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